Hammo: Your Team for SMM and Targeted Advertising
πŸ‘‰πŸΌ Only essential information. While we're still offering personal training, make sure to join us.
Π₯5 from ads budget for ONE WEEK of training course

Nadi - personal photographer in Miami - and she could earn x5 from ads budget in one week of training in our self-promotion course for experts, it paid back the advertising budget five times.
And she didn’t stop there. She used all the tools we gave her, and the results were immediate.

- First, we learned how to make advertising creatives that sell.
- Learned how to work with the Facebook advertising account
- How to launch targeted advertising so that it brings in applications
- And most importantly, we taught her how to process cold traffic and convert cold requests into warm clients
+5000 subscribers over the summer after training

Lana is already an experienced nutritionist blogger, but now, after the training, she managed to independently launch advertising to promote posts through Facebook advertising and attract an audience to her blog.
We are very proud of this result after 3 months of promotion!
well if it weren't for you, I would still be siting here without ads

Groups start every week with 5 people, so each expert gets time and attention.

We address all problem areas and review each participant, and after completion, we provide two weeks of technical support from the instructor for all questions!

Katya came to study targeting skills for selling individual boxing training.
We sorted out the strategy and after launching the second batch of creatives, we started receiving applications and were able to close the first sale!
Earned $1000 already in the first week of training!

Our course helps experts in any niche learn how to attract clients on their own!

To get free lesson how to set up Facebook Ads manager
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